How do I know if a product is in stock?
We hold a lot of items at our warehouse which are ready to dispatch upon receiving the order. You will see these items marked as ‘in stock’ or ‘next day delivery’ on our product page. We offer standard, next day, timed and weekend delivery on all in-stock items to almost the entire UK mainland.
For the rest of the products, you will see an estimated delivery time, of about 3-7 working days. These products are usually in stock by our suppliers, partners and need extra days to be received at our warehouse, and then are dispatched to you. Sometimes, we also arrange the delivery of these items directly from our brand partner. If this is applicable to the item you ordered, this will be clearly marked within the basket and checkout.
Items showing ‘Delivery from [date]’ can be pre-ordered. These pre-order items will be dispatched to you as soon as we receive them in our warehouse. In cases where your order contains a pre-order item and also in-stock items, you will receive your stocked items first. We will not charge additional delivery charges for the pre-order item. If there are changes in the estimated delivery dates, we will notify you at the earliest.
We will do our best to provide accurate stock and delivery time information on our website, and also on behalf of our suppliers and brand partners. However, we recommend that you avoid booking tradespeople based on the estimated delivery times, or at least leaving a buffer just in case.